MIDWAY shop 其實是 MIDWAY 的延伸,在店舖裡的東西,大部分都是源自於我們撰寫過的旅遊文章,在途中遇過的人和事,將物件背後的故事從文字變成實體。MIDWAY 就是記錄與分享人、物、地的相遇,而店舖就是故事與人們的重遇點。

MIDWAY shop is the extension of the MIDWAY concept, products selling in the shop were mostly introduced in our travelling articles, and an inspirations from the peoples and matters that we came across during our journey, presenting the products with the stories behind. The idea of MIDWAY is about documenting individuals, products and sites, MIDWAY shop is where they all lined up.


[Sham Shui Po shop]
G/F, 132B Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong
(EVERYDAY・1 - 7pm)

[Online shop]


看過人家的餐桌故事,有時不免都在想能否在 MIDWAY 的想法上伸延,串連旅程的人與事,以味覺說故事,讓文字變得更立體,咖啡外賣店「PRESS THE BUTTON 」便在這個想法下誕生了。在 MIDWAY shop 的隔鄰,店內不到一米的Counter,不單是咖啡,我們希望傳遞更多味覺的故事。

[Online shop]


紙上的事,想必也是美麗動人。 我們希望透過一個單純、素淨的空間,讓一些貼近生活的文化、設計、藝術得以展現。過去一段日子裡,「紙上・SHIJO GALLERY」舉辦不同的創作展覽,期望透過平面到立體不同的媒介,令大家感受到關於生活、關於設計、關於美的多種可能性。 我們相信,生活之美存於紙上,也躍然紙上。

G/F, 132C Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong
(EVERYDAY・1 - 7pm) *日本書蟲店內




為確保大家的購物安全,特此嚴正聲明本公司為香港正式註冊公司,業務除了MIDWAY (https://www.midway.voyage/) 的文字工作以外,旗下 MIDWAY shop只有位於香港九龍深水埗基隆街的門店、官方網店(http://shop.midway.voyage/)以及在網頁Pinkoi的商店 (https://hk.pinkoi.com/store/midwayshop),除以上以外,絕無其他銷售點。




Recently it has come to our MIDWAY studio Ltd. AND MIDWAY shop attention by our receiving anonymous inquiries on products, orders, and services which we have never offered. It is in our believe unscrupulous entities have embezzled our brand to solicit businesses.

To ensure the safety of everyone’s financial security and shopping experience, we of MIDWAY studio Ltd. AND MIDWAY shop hereby solemnly declare our company and associated brands are officially registered in Hong Kong SAR. In addition to MIDWAY’s (https://www.midway.voyage/) written work, its MIDWAY shop only has an official physical store (located at Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR) and online store (http://shop.midway.voyage), and the Pinkoi online store (https://hk.pinkoi.com/store/midwayshop). Other than the aforementioned brands and shopping entities, there is no other online and offline point-of-sale.

In view of these incidents, unauthorised entities are taking advantage of MIDWAY studio Ltd. AND MIDWAY shop’s goodwill and infringed on our intellectual property rights to deceive the public and make ill-gained profit from their action.

We — MIDWAY studio Ltd. AND MIDWAY shop — are closely monitoring the situation and is taking relevant legal action worldwide.

We hereby solemnly declared to set the records straight.


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